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Wszystko napisane przez Jamis

  1. Czequestria 2024: Feedback is Magic! We forgot something… wait, isn’t it 2025 already? That late? Well, we promised… so we’re keeping our promise, even though it’s been half a year. We’ve already received feedback from many participants (one of the panels at last year’s Winter Karaoke Party was dedicated to this topic), but not everyone had the opportunity to add their opinion to the overall picture of the last Czequestria. The feedback from the participants is important to us! It is the opinions and wishes of the visitors that determine how the entire event will look like. You can be sure that we will read every single line of the feedback (will take approximately 12 minutes to complete) and take it into account when organizing future events – with your help, Czequestria can be better than the last one! Thank you in advance for filling in the Czequestria 2024 attendee feedback!
  2. Livestream in PonyTown and Czequestria with Miss Libussa on BlueSky You may have noticed that the relatively new social network BlueSky is becoming popular among My Little Pony fans. And we follow! Now you can also find Czequestria and Miss Libussa pony there! For all those who cannot make it to this year’s Winter Karaoke Party in person, we are preparing a live stream of the event: just join the Pony Town Event on Saturday morning and watch the live stream on the map created according to the real venue, where you can walk around in pony form and interact with other participants. The current form of streaming to Pony Town ends in less than a month – so you have one of the last opportunities to participate in a similar event! You can also watch the broadcast from the Mane Hall on Twitch, as usual. We look forward to seeing you in two days at the Winter Karaoke Party 2024!
  3. Program revealed! As usual, most of the program will take place in the Canterlot Hall - other activities will be placed in the foyer and also on the first floor of the venue. Detailed program including annotations can be found on the CZ/SK bronies z.s. website.
  4. Rewards for sponsors at the Winter Karaoke Party 2024 Less than a week remains until the our annual meetup takes place and the rewards for Sponsor and Super-Sponsor ticket holders have already arrived! You can try the thermal mugs right at the event venue The remaining Czequestria merch will also be available for sale on site: if you haven't had the opportunity to purchase it yet, the last remaining pieces will be available at reduced prices! Thermal mugs Buttons Thermal mugs and Buttons Christmas decorations
  5. Applications deadline is close Only 17 days left until our annual meetup! Are you planning to participate as a volunteer, vendor, or would you like to contribute to the program with a panel, debate, competition, or anything else? If you haven’t done so yet, now is the time! Registration closes on Sunday evening! Join the volunteers team Vendor application Program application
  6. We received several requests through various channels, so... The last few Super-Sponsor tickets are available >> here <<! There will be no further increases as the rewards are already ordered to be produced in time for the event.
  7. Super-sponsor tickets for Winter Karaoke party were sold out the first day of ticket sale - nevertheless, not all of them are already paid, so more can pop up on Wednesday.
  8. Ticket sales are open! Only one month left until our pre-Christmas meetup, we have a venue, preparations are underway… what are we missing? Ah sure… >> Tickets here << Which part of the event are you most looking forward to? Was there something missing last time or would it be worth adding a new activity? Let us know on our Czequestria Discord server !
  9. Volunteer and vendor applications opened No convention or larger meetup can be successful without volunteers (also called “the staff team” in Czech) who will help with the preparations and the course of the entire event, whether it is a dress room, security, moving equipment or any other assistance. Even the Winter Karaoke Party would not be possible without this help from the fans. Do you want to help us with the preparations and get entry to the entire event for free? >> Join the staff (volunteers) team! Not just the official merch makes a fan happy, and let’s also admit that the works created by other fans often surpass the official production in terms of quality and workmanship. Also, because it focuses mainly on the teenage and adult audience, who make up the clear majority at bronies meetups. Do you want to exhibit or sell your art and creations at this year's Winter Karaoke Party? >> Sign up as a vendor!
  10. Detailed info about the event available now Tickets, volunteer & vendor applications opens next week
  11. 13th Winter Karaoke Party 2024 When: 14th December 2024 (10:00-20:00) Where: KD Krakov, Prag, Czech Republic (map) Discussions: Czequestria Discord server, forum or this thread News and updates: The fifth generation of My Little Pony has officially come to an end, and while we eagerly await what’s will happen next, it’s time for our annual meetup! The Winter Karaoke Party has been here for all MLP fans for thirteen years, regardless of age or events in the surrounding world. Everyone who wants to enjoy fun with ponies in the run-up to Christmas is welcome! Whether you want to meet your friends from Czequestria (and other cons or meetups), or you want to experience the first-ever pony meetup to explore how the fun with little colorful ponies looks like. If you do not know how Winter Karaoke Party goes, check out the photos and videos from all previous years. The meetup is suitable for participants of all ages (children under 12 have free entry). So don't hesitate, mark the date in your calendars and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere with bronies & ponies! Program In addition, to meet up with many other pony fans, you can look forward to: Music games My Little Karaoke (singing with ponies), My Little Rockband (playing in a band with ponies) with songs from MLP series, movies, and also made by fans and also DDR Trotmania (jumping with ponies), BeatSaber (Jedi knights with ponies) or PonyVRville (ponies in virtual reality); these games will run during the whole event. Christmas gift exchange for attendees (see below) Drawing and papercraft during the entire event Screening of various pony videos Singing together and group photo together Vendors with MLP merchandise Christmas atmosphere, themed decorations, ... ...and much more! From the very beginning, our pre-Christmas meetup goes along with the unofficial motto "It's a meetup, not a con", which means, among other things, that meeting others is the main purpose of the event. And there is a place (and equipment) available for anypony who wants to prepare an activity for others or show others something from the world of MLP or its fans. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular – because the Winter Karaoke party is about having fun together Join the event program too! >> Program applications << Tickets Standard: 300 CZK (~12 €) in pre-order (450 CZK / 18 € at the entrance, we can't guarantee if you fit in if you choose to buy a ticket this way!) Children under 11 are admitted for free. Sponsor: 650 CZK (~26€) pre-order only (not to be sold at the entrance) Super-sponsor: 1210 CZK (~48 €) pre-order only (not to be sold at the entrance), limited amount! The purchase of tickets is via the payment system (see the links below). All ticket reservations must be paid within 7 days of their creation, but no later than 1 day before the event! After this deadline, all unpaid ticket reservations are canceled automatically. >> Tickets here << If you want to have a 100% guarantee that you will get the chance to get on meetup, get your ticket in advance! As we mentioned above, the capacity is not (unlike some on-site decorations) inflatable. In addition, you will help us pay for everything that needs to be paid in advance (from rental to ticket rewards) and we will have more time to prepare the event itself. Detailed information about tickets and other rules can be found on Winter Karaoke Party – rules page. FRIDAY (12th December) – Pre-party In the light of recent experience, we are not planning an official pre-party at this time. We will inform you if the situation changes. Although it may seem strange, finding a place with refreshments in Prague where we can meet in large numbers without problems is not an easy thing. Unfortunately, we have unpleasant experience from the past years that restaurants often do not behave solidly, and in the end, they take visitors as hostages to enforce conditions that are advantageous for them and disadvantageous for us, despite previous agreements. SATURDAY (13th December) – Winter Karaoke party When: 10:00-20:00 Where: KD Krakov, Prag, Czech Republic (map) How to get there: The bus stop near the venue is called Krakov. You can get there by daytime buses 102, 177, 235, 236, and 202. The nearest metro station to the venue is Kobylisy (red C line) – from there you can take the bus 102 or 177. In addition to the Mane Hall on the ground level, we will also have foyer for Workshops as well as additional rooms for Karaoke and other music games. The dress room is of course available, as always. There is a shopping mall nearby with a supermarket and restaurants. Christmas gift exchange The annual search for gifts for everyone around doesn’t tend to be the most delightful Christmas activity. This is why we came up with a different way at our first Christmas karaoke. It’s not so stressful and adds another element of surprise. Everyone can take part in this: prepare one gift, but do not address it to anypony specific. Just wrap it and bring it to the party. Put the gift underneath the Christmas tree in the Mane Hall, and write your nickname on the paper and drop it into a marked box near the tree. During the Christmas Exchange event, gifts will be randomly selected from the pile during the exchange, and one name will be drawn from the box for each gift. The lucky person then takes the present on the stage. The gift can be anything as long it’s MLP themed; something you make yourself (whether it’s a drawing or a repainted figure) or another special thing – anything you cannot usually buy at a corner shop. Show others that you can do more than buy a blind bag. If you don’t know what to make for your gift, let the following video inspire you. Accommodation and shared transport If you are looking for accommodation and don’t want to pay for a hostel or a hotel, you can ask local bronies if they have a free place for the sleepover. As with other meetups, these are often available, if you ask at the right place – in this case, the 13th Winter Karaoke Party discussion thread on our forum and our Discord server are the ones you are looking for. The same applies to shared transport: if you are traveling via (more or less) known routes and do not want to go alone, try to ask at the same places, and you will most likely find someone who will travel via the same or similar route at the same time. Sellers and vendors This year we also offer several tables to those more active of you who want to sell something from their pony works. Vendors will be let in for the preparation of their table at least 1 hour before the official start. The sales requirements are entirely at your command - we will only give you a spot to place your stand with craft or artwork. Of course, all vendors must have purchased a ticket allowing entry to the event. >> Vendor applications here << Volunteers Wanna join the staff at meetups or conventions, and contribute to the group effort that makes every single event a unique experience for everyone? No matter if you want to join us for the first time or if you are an experienced volunteer! As an approved member of the volunteers team (also referred to as the “staff team” or “helpers team”), you receive free entry and our gratitude for helping us with this event, because it would not be possible to organize any bigger event without a good volunteers team! >> Volunteer applications here << If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask here! We look forward to meeting you!
  12. Thank you for coming I hope you like it! Looking back at Czequestria 2024 Less than two months after the event, the shared experience of Czequestria begins to hide in the shadows of other conventions and everyday life. Nevertheless, we still have to write the last chapters, complete the last tasks (for example, attendee feedback) and finally evaluate the entire event. Czequestria’s 10th birthday was certainly a success, and it also deserves a brief overview that we would like to share with you. How many people arrived to Czequestria and from where, which records were achieved or what changes and news awaited us this year? Find out in Looking back at Czequestria 2024.
  13. Photos and videos – shared memories Recordings of panels, interviews, concerts and other program are now available on the Photos and Videos – Shared Memories (2024) page. Big thanks to Fang for taking and especially processing the video footage from the Mane Hall and Group photo event!
  14. Ten years of Czequestria, as well as the anniversary with the theme “The Four Seasons” are history now. I look back about a thousand times and it all looks a little different every time. Or do I simply look at everything that has passed with each subsequent experience with different eyes? Who knows. The past won’t come back anyway, so we move on together. Significant milestones often means comparison of the current and the past events. It was no different in our case: ten years is a long time, history is slowly disappearing behind the horizon, and just a few people realize today, that it was different at the beginning of Czequestria: a wave of enthusiasm, one dream, one promise, five friends, the Magic of Friendship which all together gave thing the needed initial push. Add the effort and stubbornness of dozens of people, a decade full of successes and failures… and the calendar suddenly shows today. Stories that would be enough for several books (the beginning is well summarized in Road to Czequestria). Was it worth it? Definitely! Each Czequestria was different and brought significant changes – you will not find two same ones. This year also brought a few new things, several new records and (un)fulfilled expectations, but the basic principle remains the same: we meet not only as passionate fans of My Little Pony, but also as friends. And it doesn’t matter how many years we’ve been together, how many years we’ve known each other, or what’s happening in the world around us. This weekend belonged to us and will stay like that! Thank you all! Thanks to everypony by name can be found at Czequestria website.
  15. Charity auction 2024 result: Rarity would be pleased! A wish to have the real world more like the beloved (albeit fictional) one lives in the fantasy of many fans. And the Element of Generosity is a place where bronies’ contribution to the real world outside the fandom becomes a heartwarming reality. First and foremost we want to thank everyone who contributed (by donating items or by buying them) to this year’s Czequestria Charity auction! Your generosity never stops surprising us. Also many thanks to Perrydotto for making it as awesome and show as every year! Together, you donated in total 155 050,60 CZK (~ 6184 €) which is an incredible amount and also the new Czequestria record! This year, we accepted card payments for the first time, and it was the method chosen by the majority of contributors. The benefit easily outweighed the fees: for card payments, we paid 3038,40 CZK (~121 €), which were the only costs in this auction deducted from the final amount: the stated amount of the donation is the total amount after deducting the mentioned fees. As in previous years, the entire net income will be donated directly to Chewal – association, a qualified organization providing Equine-assisted therapy (hippotherapy) near Bystřice, Czech Republic. Our many thanks to all the Charity auction contributors!
  16. Czequestria 2024 intro animation Did you enjoy the intro animation at this year's Czequestria? We definitely did! Its author, Paint Swirl, uploaded it to her YouTube channel today
  17. Bahia Watson – all voices of Misty Brightdawn A new generation of MLP comes with new heroes – those who, in the end, make the right choice Bahia Watson jis a Canadian actress and playwright, best known for her role as Brianna/Oferic in the television series The Handmaid's Tale, but also had recurring roles in series like The Expanse (Sakai) or in Star Trek: Discovery (May). Her talent to portray the characters is truly amazing and her creativity does not stop there: aside from acting and writing her own shows, she's also a musician, songwriter and singer in one person. If you watch her acting and see her shows, be prepared for a huge bloom of all kinds of creativity and life in all forms. In the 5th generation of My Little Pony (both Make Your Mark and Tell Your Tale series), she gives her voice to one of the main characters, Misty Brightdawn and young unicorn Peach Fizz. How did she enjoy voice-acting these two little ponies? You can ask her in person soon! We are looking forward to greeting her as our Guest of Honor at this year’s Czequestria! (OC by MesuYoru) Kristýna Skružná - Czech voice of Zipp Storm with all her curiosity A unicorn and an earth pony together? Well, this day got a whole lot more interesting. Kristýna Skružná is a Czech film and serial voice actress. In more than a decade in the industry, she has lent her voice to many characters in films such as Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie, The Golden Compass (as Serafina Pekkala) or X-Men: The Last Stand (as Kitty Pryde) as well as in the series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, Pokémon Horizons: The Series (as Orla), House of the Dragon (as Alys Rivers) and others. In addition to voice acting, she has also been directing in recent years. In the fifth generation of My Little Pony, she voices the character Zipp Storm – both in the movie and in the series Make your Mark and Tell your Tale. With thanks for the contribution to all fans who prefer the Czech language version, let's welcome a guest from our meadows and groves! (OC by MesuYoru)
  18. Imalou – pony art across generations Guests of honor are crown jewels of every fan convention – let us introduce them! Lea Dabssi, also known as Imalou, is a freelance artist and character designer from Nantes in France. They studied art at the New3dge academy in Paris, became a fan artist and also a MLP fan from the early years of the brony fandom. In 2017, they turned the art talent to a job for the Boulder media studio for next three years. It was nothing less than the development of the G5 movie “My Little Pony: A New Generation” – the highly anticipated start of the new MLP era. Among their contributions to the film are the character designs for Sunny Starscout, Izzy Moonbow, and Sprout, the 2D-animated prologue featuring the Mane Six, Pipp Petals' smartphone and the Horns, Harry Trotter, and Dirty Prancing parody posters. You can find their amazing art on Instagram, ArtStation and Twitter @imalouart. Give Imalou a heartwarming welcome! They helped to shape the future of our favorite world of Equestria and still remain one of us! Czequestria 2024 program revealed - what awaits us? With less than a week to go, it's about time to release the Czequestria 2024 program schedule. The novelty of this year's Czequestria is an RPG gaming, not only in the form of Friday's “LARP”: there will be a gaming session in English on Saturday (D&D Planeshift Equestria; you need to sign up in advance) and in Czech on Sunday (Tails of Equestria; signing up on the spot). PlushieCon is back (plush registration are open), you can also look forward to Ponyville in VR and much more! We look forward to seeing you in a few days!
  19. Cosplay Show – join the fun too! Cosplay is a traditional part of any fan convention and Czequestria is no exception. If you are thinking about creating a costume of your favorite character then go for it even if you never tried it before! Becoming your favorite character for a day is always fun, Pinkie promise! All cosplays are welcome in the show: both the master skill creations and also those made for fun and joy! If cosplay is even a little bit appealing to you, sign up for the >> cosplay show << and enjoy the fun at full speed!
  20. Charity auction - it won't be missing this year either! If you mention to someone who hasn’t experienced the charity auction at My Little Pony con that this show combines excitement, adrenaline, generosity, and a charitable purpose, they probably won’t believe you. It’s no surprise – you don’t come across such an experience every day. But you can be sure that Perry, who moderates the auction, can mix this highly addictive cocktail so masterfully that when the horses from Hipporehabilitation Chewal which we support, remember it after a year, they are already looking forward to the next one A Charity Auction is waiting for you at Czequestria again this year! How to donate an item and other details can be found at Czequestria - Charity Auction. Thank you in advance for all item donations!
  21. PlushieCon is back! Why should only bronies enjoy the con? PlushieCon is a convention for stuffed animals – a unique chance to see so many pony plushies together! Many bronies have custom-made plush figures of their favorite characters, which are often truly artistic and unique crafts. However, there are also a large number of shop-bought or mass-made plush ponies among the fans, and they too have their place at PlushieCon! And while they stay at home most of the year, during the con, everyone has the chance to show them off to all other bronies in a safe environment, with expert commentary included. Show off your pony plushies to everypony – bring them to Czequestria! Check out the PlushieCon page for details.
  22. Nicolas Dominique – a big dose of addictive pony music From inspiring ambient chill-out experience to melodic positive trance, his music is here to make your day brighter! Nicolas Dominique is a creator of electronic music from Poland, producer of own original MLP songs and also remixes from the show and other pony musicians. Inspired first by MLP G4 series back in 2011, by Equestria Girls later on and now by the G5, he’s one of the longest active musicians in the brony community. His trance music varies from relaxing chill-out tones to swift melodies inspired by “Fallout: Equestria”. Also don’t worry about the repetition in your playlist: you can listen for hours and will not make it until the end. This year, he will join us at Czequestria, so beware: once you like his music, you will always want more of it! You can listen to his music on YouTube channel, check his profile on Twitter for the latest songs, or tune to the Lantern In The Dark show on PonyvilleFM and dive deep into his live music every other Saturday!
  23. Last call for volunteer applications - deadline this Sunday All community events rely on help from volunteers: whether it is security, dress room, supervision of music games and the program or any other assistance at the venue. Planning all these activities also takes some time, so we are closing applications on August 4th (this Sunday) at 20:00. If you still want to join the volunteer team, please fill out the application form and we will contact you soon. Many thanks to all who registered for their willingness to join us in organizing Czequestria!
  24. Crowdfunding and tickets with extra merch? At the Gala! Do you want to get your Czequestria ticket in style and get extra merch item? Do you want to check out some Czequestria crowdfunding items for interesting prices before the wide public release? Do you want to ask organizers something about Czequestria (maybe something not yet published) in person or just stop by for a short chat? Join us at the GalaCon 2024 this weekend and check out our table number 0.17 in the vendor area (see the map below)! You'll find us in the Lowerlands, near the venue entrance, together with fellow organizers from other pony conventions. Oh and... if you bought your ticket after yesterday's announcement, stop by and claim your extra merch item too!
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