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Druga część projektu który nie ma nic wspólnego z kucykami ale potrzebni będą voice aktorzy! Kiedy? Jak skończę poprzedni projekt i scenariusz do tej części to dam znać! Chapter name: 1.After 20 years 2.This Vortal coil 3.Sandtraps 4.To City 18 5."Freeman is here!" 6.This plase looks like City 17! 7.Entanglement 8.Anticitizen has been detected 9.It's show time 10.Fall 11.Show must go on 12.False alarm 13.Dual access 14.Now We're waiting 15.Last stand 16.Living quaters 17.Duty calls 18.Crush depth 19.Missing in action 20.Interlopter 21.Friendly Fire 22.Parasitic's lair 23.Gargantua's lair 24.Hydra's nest 25.Vicarious reality 26.Voltigore nest 27.Surface tension 28.Too much teleport's 29.Under Citadel 30.Conclusion
Projekt który nie ma nic wspólnego z kucykami ale potrzebni będą voice aktorzy! Kiedy? jak skończę cały scenariusz to dam znać! Chapter name: 1.Hazard Course 2.Fail is My life 3.To office complex 4.A red letter day} kaskada rezonansowa 5.Questionable ethics 6.Black Mesa or Battlefield? 7.Worlds collide 8.Welcome again 9."They've got hostiles" 10.Crossfire 11."Who if not Us?" 12."They are pulling out" 13.Journey on a rails 14."You're on your own" 15.We are not alone 16."Forget about Freeman!" 17.A leap of faith 18.Route canal 19.Race X 20.They're here to help us? 21.Foxtrot Uniform 22.This is Lambda Core? 23.Xen 24.Power struggle 25.Under the radar 26."We're still connected!" 27.Is this Black Mesa East? 28.Seven hour war 29."They're with us" 30.Administrator made what? 31.This is not over yet