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13th Winter Karaoke Party (14. 12. 2024, Prague)


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Winter Karaoke Party 2024 - we're moving again

Humor and jokes - we all know it. We also know Pinkie Pie, which is the Element of Laughter and the essence of unexpected random events that turn expectations upside down for mane6 and for us too while Laughter is the only way to deal with these situations with dignity.

The events surrounding Czequestria have taught us that we should not joke about the subject of our meetings unless we are reconciled to the fact that jokes, however improbable it may seem, can become a harsh reality.

When we booked a venue for this year's Winter Karaoke Party, we had no idea that it would turn into a bad joke: "Your reservation has been canceled because another subject has rented the space for the whole week". The second attempt turned out similarly: "Someone else has already confirmed venue rent on the same date, so should we move you to Sunday...?". Nope, as Big Mac would surely say. "Well, maybe this year we will have Winter Karaoke in Krakov! Hahaha!". Sure, we've been hearing this joke since the early days of Czequestria.


How shall we just say it... Pinkie Pie?


Winter Karaoke Party 2024 will take place on December 14 in KD Krakov in Prague  Pinkie happy

No, seriously, this is not a joke - after considering all the alternatives, this is the best option for us. And like the first two Czequestrias, the Winter Karaoke will take place in the Small Hall, the adjacent foyer and with music games on the first floor.

We look forward to seeing you in less than two months at a well-known place!

Never attended this meetup? Check out the photos and videos from previous years!

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