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Unfortunately, we have to announce that Czequestria 2024… … hahaha, just kidding of course it will happen! Did someone really think we were ending? In all its beauty, spring, summer, autumn and winter come to Equestria just as they come to us - in the same spirit, and yet a little different each time. The theme of this year’s Czequestia is The Four Seasons! The whole weekend filled with fun, fans, guests, and entertainment of all kinds - starting with traditional MLP-themed 'LARP', followed by panels, workshops, party music, to the grand finale of charity auction - is waiting for all Czequestrians! When: 23. - 25. August 2024 ('LARP' on Friday, venue program on Saturday and Sunday) Where: KD Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Event language: English Tickets: Detailed info: Curious, how the whole event looks like? Check out the Photos and videos from 2022! Join the Czequestria herd on Discord! For actual info and news, also follow us on Mastodon (@Czequestria, @MissLibussa) and/or Twitter (@Czequestria, @MissLibussa). In case of any questions, please let us know here in this thread or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. >>> Program application <<< >>> Volunteers team application <<< >>> Vendor and exhibitor applications here <<< We look forward to seeing you in Prague!
Time is racing towards 2019 when the 4th Czequestria will take place. Nevertheless, planning and efforts to estimate what will come next has been an integral part of our daily routine for quite some time. Our lives are getting faster - thanks to the modern life style and our past as well as civilizations are quickly getting buried under the overwhelming amount of new information. How did our great civilizations, which disappeared in the course of history, used to look? What did their inhabitants look like, how did they live and what would the world of Equestria look like in their fantasies? Historians and archaeologists have tried to answer some of these questions for a long time… we will try to answer the last one with our entire Czequestria team: Theme for Czequestria 2019 is the “Ancient World”! If you wondered how ancient Rome, Egypt or other great civilizations in Equestria universe looked like and you want to experience a bit of their glorious past, come to Czequestria 2019! Together, we’ll travel to the ancient Equestrian times to experience their everyday life as we – and the ponies of the current Equestria – know it from various legends and stories. The whole weekend filled with fun, fans, guests and entertainment of all kind - starting with traditional MLP themed LARP - is waiting for all Czequestrians! When: 23. - 25. August 2019 (LARP on Friday, convention itself on Saturday and Sunday) Where: KD Krakov, Prague, Czech Republic Web: Detailed information will be revealed in near future, stay tuned on official announcements on @Czequestria Twitter CZ/SK bronies Facebook and of course here in this thread too. ^.^ In case of any questions, please let us know here in this thread, via Twitter @Czequestria or send us an e-mail to [email protected]. We are looking forward to see you in Prague!
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Walking along the edge of digital world is our daily life nowadays. But we observe the thin line between our and the one-and-zero reality still from one side. How could it change our lives, when we decide to cross the digital border? What welcome would the digital Equestria inhabitants prepare for us? Czequestria 2017 - DIGITAL FRONTIER! When: 18.-20.8.2017 (LARP of Friday, convention itself on Saturday and Sunday) Where: KD Krakov, Prague (more info) Webpages: Tickets: Get ready for traditional MLP themed Friday LARP which is going to be different this year: it won't guide you to see the beauties of Prague as much as the last one but it'll prioritize the Role Play part. Will you help Sunset Shimmer to solve a friendship problem? We're counting on you! Plus of course MLP weekend filled with fun, fans, guests and entertainment of all kind. Detailed information will be revealed in near future, stay tuned on official announcements on @Czequestria Twitter CZ/SK bronies Facebook and of course here in this thread too. ^.^ We are looking forward to see you in Prague!
Czequestria - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic convention by CZ/SK bronies z.s. Web Link: Years running: 2 Date: 21. - 23. August; LARP event on 21st Location: Prague, CZ Language: English FaceBook Event Link: Czequestria 2015 Facebook event Twitter Czequestria: Twitter Libussa: Czequestria is BACK! With more colours, fun and crazier management team than ever before we are gonna turn Your weekend into a memory to cherish for very, very long time! Be it guests from local communities or VIP's from afar, various popular games such as Trottmania, My Little Karaoke or even My Little Rockband (that we've in full set!), new workshops to attend, new competitions to join, we've got it all prepared for you! There sure will be other bronies too to just chill out with, talk about the new episodes and pony things alike! Oh and goodies, many cool goodies to see and buy from our wonderful vendors! But enough words, time for action! The following week between 19th April we will be releasing news on guests as well as launching the sale of tickets! Yes, that's right! Tickets will be on sale starting 26th April 2015 at about 20:00 CEST as long as the Discord is kept away from our technical background! VENDORS! That's right! We will also be launching vendor application's very soon, they are all actually ready but time schedule sure can be busy. Sorry for keeping you waiting so long - keep tuned on Twitter, Facebook, Forums or Web for the link to register! TICKET SALE STARTS ON SUNDAY 26TH APRIL 20:00 CEST !!! If you have a specific problem with your ticket, let us know via the email on [email protected] Ticket Tiers: The usual, please! (350 CZK = ~51 Zloty) 2-day entry LARP game entry Convention guide Czequestria 2015 lanyard with entry badge Feelin' Fancy? (850 CZK = ~125 Zloty) 2-day entry LARP game entry Convention guide Czequestria 2015 lanyard with entry badge Czequestria 2015 sponsorship T-shirt Name/Nick mention in con. guide Czequestria 2015 button Castle Royale (2015 CZK = ~296 Zloty) 2-day entry LARP game entry Convention guide Czequestria 2015 lanyard with entry badge Czequestria 2015 sponsorship T-shirt Name/Nick mention in con. guide Czequestria 2015 button Special Voucher Limited edition of Libussa 2015 figurine Name/Nick in sponsor section What are the reasons to buy a higher-tier ticket? We've got some good points but we won't stop you if you make your own! a) More memorabilia items to remind you of this great event! b) To show your support for the staffers, who have turned a dream into reality! We appreciate it as well as it drives us further to provide more and better performance! c) Possibility to expand the guest list as well as more panels, workshops and fun! d) More decorations for Czequestria, to make it shine! e) For the inner feeling of doing something good? No matter what you choose or decide to do, buying any ticket shows your support for us and we are very thankful for that! Cheers! -Czequestria Team As with everything, in case of any questions, contact us on [email protected]!
Czequestria 2014 1. CZ/SK bronies My little pony: Friendship is Magic convention Web Link: Date: 30-31.8. 2014 (+29.8. 2014 LARP event ) Location: KD Krakov, Prague, Czech republic Language: English and Czech/Slovak FaceBook event link: Twitter Czequestria: Twitter Miss Libussa: Description: Czequestria is the first dedicated My Little Pony convention in the history of Czech and Slovak brony community. It brings folks from both countries together, to celebrate with our favourite colourful equine friends! But not to worry − the Czequestria’s primary language is set as English. Many of us visited various conventions over the whole Europe and now we wish to share the joys of being a brony through Czequestria! The convention itself isn't all that we can offer as the city of Prague, the capital of Czech Republic, has much to witness from its rich history and unique sights, like the famous astronomical clock tower − Orloj or the Prague Castle. You can explore the city during our MLP-themed LARP event scheduled for Friday on 29th August. So why not use this unique opportunity to meet new friends as well as visit the historical heart of Europe? Current status: TICKET SALE NOW OPEN! Ticket Tiers: The usual, please! (320 CZK = ~49 PLN) 2-day entry LARP game entry Convention guide Special lanyard badge Feelin' Fancy? (777 CZK = ~118 PLN) 2-day entry LARP game entry Convention guide Special lanyard badge Czequestria 2014 T-shirt Name/Nick or message in con. guide - Sponsor section Czequestria 2014 badge Castle Royale (1800 CZK) - Sold out already, sorry :( 2-day entry LARP game entry Convention guide Special lanyard badge Czequestria 2014 T-shirt Name/Nick mention in con. guide Czequestria 2014 badge Tickets (2) to Sugar Cube Corner Limited ed. of Miss Libussa 2014 figurine Name/Nick in sponsors For up to date information, please check ! If this is in wrong section, sorry about that, I've tried my best to find the right spot!
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- Czequestria
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