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[Zabawa] Odgadnij cytat i przetłumacz swój


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No więc na czym to polega? Bierzesz jakiś znany polskiemu internetowi cytat, tłumaczysz go na angielski(i tylko na angielski!). Dla utrudnienia możesz go przerobić, tylko tak żeby kontekst pozostał ten sam. A następna osoba musi go odgadnąć, czyli co to i skąd jest. Poprawna odpowiedź i możesz walić swój cytat. Zaczynamy!


- Good morning! Where are you from, kind sir?

- From Mockyton.

- Well I'm from Marketyn. Sbarrey.

- Luke.

- Why did they suck you in, chap?...I'm potting for rides.

- They are trying to frame me! I ain't no lady ambusher!

- Ha! An innocent fellow! Are they hammering you a dime?...Oh, it's not like they will let you go quickly. Year till libra at least!

- This is some kind of a lunacy!

- Are thou busting games?

- What am I...

- Are thou busting games or do you go with the losers?

- Gamebusting?! What does it mean?

- Are you a cooley or a loser?

- I ain't no loser!

- Well then you must go the the gamebusting den! When a bitch will ask you, say that you want to go to gamebusters! The caretaker will try to entice you with losery, but thou shall not agree!

- What can one find at gamebusters?

- You are a cooley! Pride. Elite of condemned. In the den you will find out. Losers are losers, ha!...You will see it for yourself at the meetings. When a cooley is strolling, his is like this!...And losers? They just fly like this.


Cytat raczej ławy więc zapraszam do zabawy.

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