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3 obserwujących

O Makosnan

  • Urodziny 01/27/1998


  • Skype

Informacje profilowe

  • Płeć
  • Miasto
    Czech Republic
  • Zainteresowania
    PC, Ponies, Music
  • Ulubiona postać
    Applejack, Purple Smart

Ostatnio na profilu byli

2604 wyświetleń profilu

Makosnan's Achievements


Źrebaczek (1/17)



  1. Nick: Hmm, MLP Fani. Nie je moc oryginalny. Ale dobry fandom. Avatar: Interesujący, dorosła Sweetie Belle. Ładny. Sygna: Awww. To jest ładny. Miłość siostra . Ocena końcowa: Fajnie, wygląda na to, że lubie Sweetie Belle. Ona jest słodkie. Przepraszam za moja polski język, ja nie mogę dużo mówić polski..
  2. Top Gear season 22 soon!

    1. Cipher 618

      Cipher 618

      Mam gruby numer specjalny: "ileśtam najszybszych samochodów 2014" CUDO!

  3. Za chvíli Vánoce... Yay!

  4. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    Howdy! Actually, I don't write to any others topics, just here, and sometimes I read some topics. Yea, I type with one Polish Brony on Skype. I know more words than before (some posts ago). I'll type something. Cześć! Jak sie masz? Jaka jest pogoda? Jestem Brony z Hustopeč. Co robisz? Ja lubie kucyki. (lol, i can't type e with tail) Well, it isn't much. Something I also learned on some webpage. Ok o:) 1. Idk, some bronies and pegasisters there are, but not much, unlike in USA, for e.g. (there are most bronies) 2. I don't care about that. But it would be strange... maybe? 3. Hmm... probably world. 4. Yeees. I want to read books 5. Yea, u mean pc games, right? So that would be GTA San Andreas, Terraria, and Transformice Also I played Minecraft much before. 6. It's up to you. I'll check your profile. MLK? Some gathering? (Moj maly kucyk?)
  5. Is it just me or profile pics doesn't work?

  6. Is it just me or profile pics doesn't work?

  7. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    Hello there! Nice to meet Polish Bronies. Hi 1) I am Brony since September / October 2013. Thanks to video "You're gonna go far kid" and my two friends who has been brony before me and which sent me pony videos. 2) Yes. *hugs* 3) History - Yea, i like it. I have no opinion on military. 4) Idk what to think 'bout it. Danke.
  8. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    Hi! Thanks. Well, it depends on where'd you like to come. Ya know, if in north, west... I live in south Moravia. Probably you would like to go somewhere near Poland... Well, I was with my family this summer on holidays on north. There is in the middle of Czech Rep. interesting for e.g. Castle Boskovice (Polish info here, map)... and we were also for e.g. on "First Czech Museum of Cycling" (webpages, map) and it was interesting too.
  9. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    Hi 1. Thanks to video "You're gonna go far kid" and my two friends who has been brony before me and which sent me pony videos 2. Um... many. 3. No, I'm too shy etc. 4. Nope. 5. *opens deviantArt* Well, I like e.g. sophiecabra, StasySolitude, vicse etc. 6. Sure! One of the cutest ponies! :3 7. Umm... It reminds me something. 8. Sure! *hugs* Thanks! Yea, I can understand it in Polish. Um kay?
  10. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    2. Ok. Seriously. I have tradition to velcome (almost) everyone with trance track. This is for you: Hi! Lol, what a name it's impossible to say Thanks! No, there are much bronies, but I like Polish forum more (design) etc. Thanks
  11. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    Ahoj! Thanks! Hi! 1. Twilight and Luna 2. Discord! And Trixie. 3. Umm... alicorn. 4. It's season 1, but I like all seasons 5. Yea, party! 6. I haven't been in Poland, but I'd like to.
  12. Makosnan

    Hello Polish Bronies!

    Howdy, like I typed, i know about czech forum. 1. Yea, a little bit. 2. I think 6-7/10 3. Yea, my polish is bad. 4. Applejack! And then Twilight. Thanks! Have a nice day too. Hi. 1. No, I don't like it. 2. Dunno, they magnetize other magnets. 3. Pone is life. 4. !!!!!! 5. Wat? 6. I think that Polish Bronies are nice.
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