Howdy! Actually, I don't write to any others topics, just here, and sometimes I read some topics. Yea, I type with one Polish Brony on Skype. I know more words than before (some posts ago). I'll type something.
Cześć! Jak sie masz? Jaka jest pogoda? Jestem Brony z Hustopeč. Co robisz? Ja lubie kucyki. (lol, i can't type e with tail)
Well, it isn't much. Something I also learned on some webpage.
Ok o:)
1. Idk, some bronies and pegasisters there are, but not much, unlike in USA, for e.g. (there are most bronies)
2. I don't care about that. But it would be strange... maybe?
3. Hmm... probably world.
4. Yeees. I want to read books
5. Yea, u mean pc games, right? So that would be GTA San Andreas, Terraria, and Transformice Also I played Minecraft much before.
6. It's up to you. I'll check your profile.
MLK? Some gathering? (Moj maly kucyk?)